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This is where you will find all the pre-season, in-season and post-season forms and information you need. If you have any questions, please contact Meghan Levers or Julie Gonzalez. Here is the link for the most up-to-date coach's handbook


There will be a uniform handout schedule given to you from the athletic department. There will be a team uniform inventory sheet there for you to fill out. Please make a copy for yourself and leave the original in the athletics office after you are finished handing out uniforms. The extra uniforms will stay with the athletic department for any athlete who was not there on handout day. 

You will be notified if you need to give any documents (Concussion certificate, First Aid/CPR certificate, and Coach certificate) to the athletics office to put them in your Google Folder.

Online Registration for Athletes:
You will have access to to see if the athletes are eligible to participate in your sport. If a student-athlete is not on the roster or their row is red or yellow, that means that they are not allowed to participate. They are only allowed to participate when their row is cleared.

Make sure you let Meghan Levers and Julie Gonzalez know who your varsity team captains are as soon as you appoint them (if applicable).

Pre-season Meeting:
You will have a pre-season meeting with the Athletic Directors before each season starts. 

You need to bring departure time requests for any away events and any sport specific content (Team rules, goals, vision, conditioning, etc...). At the meeting would be a good time to let the Athletic Directors know of any conflicts you have with your game schedule.



Team Picture Day:
You will be notified of when team pictures will be. Your team must wear their full uniform that day.

Senior Night/Day:
As soon as you find out when your senior day is going to be, let Meghan Levers or Julie Gonzalez know so they can coordinate with ASB for the game.

Emergency Action Plan  -  This is for your information in case of an emergency at an away or home event.

Accident Report  -  If any of your athletes obtain a major injury during a game/event, you must fill one of these out and hand it in to the athletics office.

BVAL Sports  -  This is the Blossom Valley Athletic League website that will have all of the information you will need for anything pertaining to your individual sport's season.

Release Time Schedule:
You will be emailed every Thursday or Friday with a release schedule for the upcoming week. You need to look it over and email Meghan Levers or Julie Gonzalez back with any changes that need to be made to the schedule.


Uniforms: (ALL COACHES)
You will have a uniform collection day where all players must hand in their uniforms. Once the uniforms have been collected, please leave the inventory sheet of who still has not handed in their uniform yet in the athletics office. It is NOT the responsibility of the athletic department to get all of the uniforms back. If an athlete did not hand in their uniform at the designated time to hand them in, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that they hand in their uniforms. Athletes will also be responsible for paying a fee for any lost uniforms.


Awards List  -  (Varsity Coach Only) Please fill this out for all players in your specific sport (freshmen, jv, and varsity) and hand it back in to the athletics office. This needs to be done BEFORE your end of the season banquet/party so certificates and awards can be ordered and printed.

New Equipment Request  -  (Varsity Coach Only) Please fill this out and hand it back in to the athletics office (This is the only way the Athletic Director will know what to order for the next season with regards to new equipment).

Post-Season Meetings and Coach Evaluations:
You will have your post-season Check-out meeting with the Athletic Director after your season is over and you have completed the Coach Check Out. The AD will share the google form with you when necessary. Every Varsity coach must have a post-season meeting with the AD. Make sure to complete the Coach Evaluation before you come to the meeting.

Team Surveys about Coaches:
Every team must have a meeting at the end of the season to complete the Post-Season Student-Athlete Survey through Google Forms.

Overfelt Royals