Scholastic Eligibility Minimum Requirements per CIF Section 205 B.(1)
1) Unweighted GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale in the previous grading period.
2) Student is currently enrolled in 25-semester credits of work (5 classes).
3) Student was passing the equivalent of at least 20 semester credits of work at the most recent grading period.
4) Student is maintaining minimum progress towards graduation.
Probationary Period per CIF Section 205 B.(2)
1) All incoming 9th graders enter Overfelt High School as probationary students.
2) From the text: “The probationary period shall not exceed one (1) semester in length, but may be for a shorter period of time as determined by the governing board of the school district, private school, or parochial school.”
Probationary Period per CIF Section 205 B.(3)
1) Grading period is the time when all students in the school are graded.
2) Schools or districts, or leagues must establish an eligibility date following the immediately previous grading period (Overfelt's is the Friday after grades are due)
3) Grades cannot be changed following the grading period for purposes of addressing eligibility.
4) Only grades changed before the established eligibility date, following ed code requirements, and approved by the principal can be used for eligibility purposes.
Grading Periods
- 1st Grading Period
- 2nd Grading Period
- 1st Semester (3rd Grading Period)
- 4th Grading Period
- 5th Grading Period
- 2nd Semester (6th Grading Period)
GPA Calculation
1. Standard letter grade/grade point equivalency: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0
2. Pass (P) = not calculated in the student’s GPA. The class counts towards the passing of 20-semester credits of work.
a. Ex. 1 — Student A is enrolled in six courses. Student A received the following grades at the previous grading period: A, B, P, P, NM, F. Student A has a GPA of 2.33 (7 GPA points/5 classes) and has passed 4 classes. Student A is eligible.
3. No Mark (NM) = not calculated in the student’s GPA. The class does not count towards the passing of 20-semester credits of work.
a. Ex. 2 — Student B is enrolled in six courses. Student B received the following grades at the previous grading period: A, B, P, NM, NM, F. Student B has a GPA of 1.75 (7 GPA points/4 classes) and has passed 3 classes. Student B is not eligible.
4. Incomplete (I) = is calculated as an F in the student’s GPA per CIF Section 205 B.(3).d. Once the incomplete grade becomes a passing grade, the student’s GPA can be immediately recalculated and have eligibility restored.
a. Ex. 3 — Student C is enrolled in six courses. Student C received the following grades at the previous grading period: A, B, P, I, NM, F. Student C has a GPA of 1.4 (7 GPA points/5 classes) and has passed 3 classes. Student C is not eligible. Student C then has their “I” changed to a “B.” Student C’s GPA is recalculated to be 2.0 (10 GPA points/5 classes). Student C is now immediately eligible.
Summer School Grades
A student who is scholastically ineligible based on the report card received in June for the spring semester may request that
current summer school grades be used to see if eligibility has been restored by yielding a GPA of a least 2.0.
If the summer school class is a repeat of a course failed in the last grading period, the grade may replace the grade received
on the June report card.
If the summer school class does not match courses taken in the spring semester, the grade may be added to the grades received
on the June report card. Summer school grades cannot be used to disqualify the scholastic eligibility of a student who was
declared eligible based on the June report card.